OpenSports is an app for managing and organizing pick-up sports groups. 

My Roles: UI/UX designer, Front-end web development, branding and Illustrator.

Development Tools: React.js, Next.js, Lottie (from Airbnb)

Design Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe XD

League Dashboard Design


Converting the features designed for a mobile app into a web app platform can be a challenge. Here, I was tasked with translating the league management functionality from the OpenSports App to the OpenSports  web-app.

Taking inspirations from management softwares and similar platforms, I designed a modular design that presents the most important information in a concise and clean manner.

The specific league details are laid out at the top in 4 columns horizontally which leaves room for optional buttons, fees or tags for the top right corner.

The rest of the components are placed in a grid layout. The green text button would display a modal to view more information related to each component. 

This design is mere concept work and has not been implemented yet. 

View OpenSports live site here.

Icon Design


View my work on the OpenSports app here!

Using Format